This is a very powerful question about hesitation. We are getting confused most of the time because we have multiple choices in our lives. And the real challenge is our minds have been trained to believe that we can have it all NOW. Here are my advices:
You can definitely have it all. It's not the problem. The real challenge is the word NOW. You can achieve very tough goals but you need a good strategy. And it all starts with a good plan that's reverse engineered.
It's been proven that thinking of the big picture at first and then plan backwards is an efficient way to create a good plan and action steps for your mind. Reverse engineering the planning process direct your mind to focus on solutions and how-to instead of forward thinking that may drive your mind to think of the current barriers.
World-class swimmers stated that when they are in the water they keep their minds focusing on the task at hand. They focus on how to push their bodies inside water with the next hand move. How to move their hand in the most powerful way. They are not distracted by competition nor the finish line. They focus on the NOW. You need to do so. Once you identified your plan phases, start focus on what you can accomplish in this 1st phase only and forget about the others.
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