Most people fall into the trap of being PERFECTIONIST. In fact there's nothing perfect in our world. We need to always push ourselves beyond our comfort zones so that we always achieve real progress. The idea of being perfect hurts us in so many aspects. Here's the 1st angle:
When we accept the idea that there's something perfect in our world, we might miss good opportunities because we don't then see them as good. We tend to not appreciate what others do for us because we compare what they do to what we think is available. A lot of relationships get broke because of this kind of unfair comparisons.
On the other side, accepting the idea of perfectionism supports our brain normal tendency of procrastination due to below fears:
Our brains plays a lot of tricks on us whenever it feels there's a threat. And one of the things that our brains consider as a threat is when we're criticized. Therefore, your brain will play this famous trick on you very often "Hey dude, your presentation is not yet perfect". Or "Your project is missing this vital piece" .....and so on. Or even worse "If you start your own business you'll lose everything and fail". Or "If you moved to this country, your life will be miserable". Understanding that life is either winning or learning and that there's no such thing that's called perfect will help you put some skin into the game of life so that you can move forward.
If you want to learn more about how to master yur actions, behavior and mindset, you can take action now and book your seat at our upcoming event "The Ultimate Achievement".
"The Ultimate Achievement" إذا كنت تريد تعلم كيفية السيطرة على أفكارك ومشاعرك وتصرفاتك وبالتالي مستوى نجاحك في الحياة فبادر الأن بحجز مكانك في الكورس القادم من
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