
There's no one living without problems :

In life , all people face problems , but there are people who decides to overcome these problems and take their life to the next level and some other people make it even worse. 

How to grow while facing problems.

Be aware of your self talk , focus on what you say to yourself. 

Few days ago , I decided to ride a trip using one of the transportation options we have. I asked the driver if he works another job , and as expected he said yes . But he was inflicted by his manager and never got a salary raise. He was searching for a job related to the IT , as it's his passion.

By chance , I was looking for an IT employee so I started to ask him several questions to see if he's a good fit. After finishing my questions , I asked him if he can work with me in my training company and he absolutely agreed. Moreover, we assigned an interview. Then when the arranged  time came. He didn't show up and didn't even apologize for not coming.

He simply decided to cancel the interview .

This person ignored the opportunity of a new job fitting his passion , as a result of his self talk : Nagging and telling everyone he meets about his struggle.

We may all have this person's attitude in some situations in our lives without realizing. 

It's very important to be aware of the self talk. 

Ask yourself daily, if my self-talk empowers or disempowers me?

Make sure that your mental attitude levels you up and are not letting you overturn and injured.

The solution is very simple, every now and then, stop and reflect. See if your self story is helping you to achieve your goals or brings you back to your start point. 

If not, then rebuild your ideas and beliefs to help yourself step forward.

There are people in your life who might help you to develop, and other experts who might help you reshape your journey.

Whenever you face a problem, go for an expert who will help you get rid of your wrong beliefs.

Take the experts' advices and apply them to change your life.

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