“ All Experts Are Students First ”
And that's why I committed myself to be a serious lifetime student learning from the best

Walid Ibrahim is the Founder of IM Business Solutions, a leading human performance, training, and business consultancy firm. He's an experienced business strategist and life coach who strongly believes in humanity and people development.

Walid Ibrahim

Walid Ibrahim

Walid Ibrahim is the Founder of IM Business Solutions, a leading human performance, training, and business consultancy firm. He's an experienced business strategist and life coach who strongly believes in humanity and people development.

After 20+ years of experience in the corporate world, working for multi-nationals like Unilever, Cadbury, GSK, he decided to dedicate his life to helping others succeed in their personal & professional lives. His goal is to inspire, motivate and help you realize your highest potential and achieve your personal and professional goals faster and easier than you ever imagined possible.

Walid's real hands-on, world-class experience will help your organization and/or your team transform their results. His vast experiences in the Middle East made him the real deal when it comes to strategies and tactics that move the needle for his clients.

Walid's real hands-on, world-class experience will help your organization and/or your team transform their results. His vast experiences in the Middle East made him the real deal when it comes to strategies and tactics that move the needle for his clients.

As a speaker, he is a young, fresh voice with a fun, engaging style. And his message is changing lives and reaching people around the Arab world. He's happily married and has three children. He lives in Cairo, Egypt and passionately gives his personal development and business training programs and talks within the Middle East.

+201140336441    |    +201090283401

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Walid's real hands-on, world-class experience will help your organization and/or your team transform their results. His vast experiences in the Middle East made him the real deal when it comes to strategies and tactics that move the needle for his clients.
