After riding the roller coaster of life for more than 43 years, I wanted to conclude the biggest 3 learned lessons and share them initially with my beloved kids, remind you and myself that these are the main things that we need to focus on every single day. here we go:
Everything in life is configure-out-able. There's no challenge without a solution. all we need to do is to wake up every single day believing in our ability to figure things out. And to do that we need to set our mindset to honor the struggles. Our daily challenges are there to make us more stronger and wiser. Never let your past control your future. Always take actions and trust the solutions to your challenges will show up when you do your best, not when you keep worrying and do nothing at all.
You don't have to wait for life's hardships to learn the most precious lesson; We need God's support in our lives. No one on planet earth can guarantee you any success in life if you follow his advises. You can go take whatever courses and certificates on how to raise great kids and if God's will for you is to have great challenges raising up your kids, then nothing will help you except praying for God and seeking his support. This doesn't mean you don't follow experts advises. Remember my 1st advise in this video "Take daily massive actions".
We usually read the user manual of anything valuable in order not to mess with it. And we do have a user manual for ourselves; the creatures of God. God sent us his books via his messengers and we rarely try to understand them. It's a great advice to start giving it 10-15 minutes every day to understand the great instructions written mainly to make us succeed here and in the after life.
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