Happy - Fulfilled - Significant Life  

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About Walid

An experienced business strategist who strongly believes in humanity and people development. After 20+ years of experience in the corporate world, I decided to dedicate my life to helping others succeed in their personal & professional life. Walid is an exceptional Business Strategist & Life Coach. His goal is to inspire, motivate and help you realize your highest potential and achieve your personal and professional goals faster and easier than you ever imagined possible.

They said about Walid:

"I've had a lot of distractions in my life. And after I attended the training of "Success And Mental Attitude" I got the power to stop most of these distractions and to change a lot of bad habits like procrastination. It helped me to discover my capabilities and to know how to re-program my mind and how to live a balanced life. I really thank and appreciate the big effort and the hard work of Walid and I hope to see everyone in the planet earth teaches like him".

Ahmed Shaarawy

Director of operations, Seven Corners company LTD.

"For those who struggle in their business and\or personal lives, this is a must attend seminar. What a very powerful day that was full of amazing transformational information. I discovered and learned how to really "keep going" in my life despite of any challenges one might face. I'd really like to thank you Walid for this training"

Shadi El Gouhari

Country Manager, Hero

I appreciate all the efforts and I commit to keep moving forward supported by this amazing family. So grateful to have a well talented master like you Mr. Walid

Nancy Mounir

Family Counselor

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How to start a successful fulfilling business

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with Walid Ibrahim

Impact Mastery

Get more than 30 hours of world-class business strategies and tactics of how to start/grow your own information business. Learn how to take your life's experiences, turn into a structured framework, package it and sell it so that others can improve the quality of their lives while you build a sustainable profitable business as well as living an amazing lifestyle.

The Ultimate Achievement

Living a HAPPY FULFILLED SIGNIFICANT life is the ultimate achievement in life. But not everyone is able to achieve that level of success and happiness in both their personal and professional life. During this transformation journey you will learn how live every day performing at your best and enjoy life like never before. 

On-Demand Online Courses

There's nothing that can help you get the results you want faster and easier than hiring a coach. Every extraordinary successful man and woman in human history realized the power of having a private coach. And now it's your turn. If you want to hire me as your private coach, please click the button below now.

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